Leak Detection and Repair

photo of a leaking pipeWater Wells can troubleshoot and repair leaks in your water system.

Types of Leaks

The most common leaks are piping leaks vs well casing leaks. Piping leaks are simply leaks in the pipes that carry the water from the well, throughout the system to your home. Casing leaks are leaks that are actually down in the well and pose a risk contaminating the well water with unsanitary ground water, surface runoff, and salts, fertilizer, bacteria, or any other contaminant likely to be flowing on the ground surface.

Causes of Leaks

  • Plastic well (or water main) piping damage during installation
  • Overheating plastic piping during joint fitting can chemically change the plastic, making it brittle and crack prone near the connector
  • Under heating plastic piping during joint fitting can cause the pipe to crack when it is forced over a fitting or connector
  • Under-tightening metal connector parts such as hose clamps often leads to immediate or near-term leaks in the well piping connector.
  • Over tightening metal connector parts such as hose clamps can (rarely) crack or crimp a pipe or fittings
  • Burying plastic piping with soil containing sharp rocks can lead to later puncture and leaks
  • Driving over piping that is not properly bedded in sand or not buried at a safe depth can cause leaks in piping
  • Holes in the well pipe: Defective well piping, corrosion of metal piping (see photo near page top), or plastic piping that rubbed on a rock or other obstruction can lead to a hole in the piping that leaks water out when the well pump is running and leaks air into the system when the pump stops.